Mandy’s Goals for 2014

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Today one of our Project Managers, Mandy, is sharing what she wants 2014 to look like. This gal will inspire you!

Looking back on 2013 really reminds me how blessed and loved I am. 

2012 I made A LOT of changes in my life. I focused on me for the first time ever. 2013 was all about maintaining changes, cultivating relationships and having a lot of fun. I set many goals and I accomplished most of them. Although after May I think I completely forgot what they were. (You can read last year’s post here). 2014 feels like it is going to be my break out year. Instead of sharing goals and setting New Years resolutions, I am going to share a word that will describe where my focus will be in my personal life, professional life and my physical/fitness journey. 

My word for my personal life is Purposeful.

I want to be purposeful in the decisions that I make, the people I let into my life, the relationships I cultivate and how much I give of myself.

My word for my professional life is Balance.

My professional life is made up of four “jobs” that I truly love! It has taken a couple years to get to the place but it has all come together. I need to stay balanced in my time management, in the way that I think (business minded vs. entrepreneurial spirit) and with the projects I take on.

Physical/Fitness Journey
My word for my physical/fitness journey is Disciplined.

My fitness journey really is a habit at this point. I work out for my mental health just as much as my physical health. I work out 4-5 times a week, I lift, I seek appropriate counsel when I hit a plateau or need motivation but I would never call myself disciplined in this area. I need to hone in on my diet, really tailor my work outs for definition and stay focused on my ultimate goal.

 Whatever you decide to do in 2014, I wish you all of the best!
Let’s go out and make the most of the time we are given! Choose to be happy, fight for what you love and never settle!

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