Families are made in many ways, and AdoptTogether.org wants to celebrate just one of the beautiful ways a family can come together. They have created the first World Adoption Day. November 9, 2014, a day designated to bring awareness and acknowledge the journey many have taken part in. In the first 1,000 days, AdoptTogether.org has helped serve 982 families and raised $4,000,000.
On November 9th, they’re inviting friends, family (and the world) to participate in World Adoption Day by posting a photo of themselves with their palm raised high, marked with a smiley face and finished with the hashtag #WorldAdoptionday. Join in to celebrate adoption and let’s work together see more children connect with loving homes.
Kids all over the world are waiting to become a part of a family, and couples all over the world are looking to become parents or share their love with a child who holds a part of their heart. We believe that adoption is a beautiful thing and we are so inspired by members in our very own Pollinate Community that have added to their family through adoption. You may know some of our members stories, but if you don’t and would like to, head over to their blogs and follow along on their journey with them.
World Adoption Day from AdoptTogether on Vimeo.