You look like you could use a cookie to go with that cup of cocoa… a gingerbread cookie at that! These little fellas are so cute and great to eat plain or you could dress it up with some frosting! For the full recipe, among other deliciousness, visit At the corner of Happy and Harried today!
Plan on hosting a Christmas party this year? Tis the season .. and thankfully Juggling Act Mama has this great free festive printable pack for you! Just add the food, garland and you have got yourself a good looking party!
It’s no secret that some of our favorite ornaments hanging from our trees are of those made by our kids own fingers. Here is a really cute ornament idea that will make for a great memory this year! Confessions of a Mommyaholic share the simple steps to this wine cork snowman ornament!
Another favorite to receive is homemade gifts! Check out how easy and sweet this candy cane sugar scrub is to make. This makes great gifts for teachers, moms, grandmas or your best friends! We love this idea from Tips from a Typical Mom!
Ending the show with a cranberry margarita… because is there really another way to do it?! Visit A Taste of Koko for the quick and delicious recipe! And that our friends is a wonderful round-up of some great ideas(in a quick nutshell) Enjoy your holidays and we wish you all a very merry Christmas! Cheers, The Pollinate Team
One again thank you so much for featuring my snowman wine cork ornament here. Truly appreciate it!!